Friday, July 27, 2012

Obama Abortion Ad a Lie

PolitiFact took a look at Obama’s recent abortion ad and rated it a liar, liar, “Pants on Fire.”

The ad says Mitt Romney "backed a bill that outlaws all abortions, even in cases of rape and incest." The only problem is that they referenced a 2007 CNN GOP debate where the candidates were answering a hypothetical.

Questioner: Hello, my name is AJ. I'm from Millstone, New Jersey. I would all of the candidates to give an answer on this. If hypothetically, Roe v. Wade was overturned, and the Congress passed a federal ban on all abortions and it came to your desk, would you sign it? Yes or no?

Romney: I agree with Senator Thompson, which is we should overturn Roe v. Wade and return these issues to the states.  I would welcome a circumstance where there was such a consensus in this country that we said, we don't want to have abortion in this country at all, period. That would be wonderful. I'd be delighted.

Anderson Cooper: The question is: Would you sign that bill?

Romney: Let me say it. I'd be delighted to sign that bill. But that's not where we are. That's not where America is today. Where America is is ready to overturn Roe v. Wade and return to the states that authority. But if the Congress got there, we had that kind of consensus in that country, terrific.

So, in other words, the bill doesn’t exist.

From Politifact:  More recently, Romney has made clear that he supports the exception for rape and incest. In 2011, Romney explained his position on abortion in an op-ed in the National Review. It begins with "I am pro-life and believe that abortion should be limited to only instances of rape, incest, or to save the life of the mother."

Too bad.  It would be nice to see the Republicans nominate a pro-life candidate that didn’t discriminate against some children. 

In any case, the ad can’t really be described as “negative” or an “attack.” I actually think it will rally America’s pro-life majority who by all accounts are more enthusiastic about this election. Obama is doing some of the heavy lifting, resulting in pro-life turnout for Romney.

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