Monday, August 6, 2012

Olympics Commercials feature Babies, Conversations with Babies

Have you been catching any of the Olympics this year?  I've been paying more attention than usual with all of the great stories such as Michael Phelps' last races and the success of the swim team in all categories, the men's basketball team comparing themselves to the '92 Dream Team, Usain Bolt's defense in the 100 meter dash, the gold metals in tennis, and the gold metal runs in beach volleyball. And although I've been fast forwarding through most of the commercials thanks to the greatest invention ever--the DVR--I've also caught a few including the promotions for NBC's new drama/comedy, The New Normal.

I was pretty surprised when I saw this one:

NBC running an ad using the phrase "unborn baby"?  Well, "future unborn baby" anyway.  What exactly is a future unborn baby?  I guess we may never know.  Are they making a video before the baby is conceived? Because I suppose that would be the appropriate term.  But when I first saw it I was under the impression that they were talking to their conceived baby.  It reminds me of the clever pro-abortion linguistic invention: "potential person."  As in, "Hi potential person, who I'm speaking to because you live, grow, and exist in your tiny corner of the world."

But NBC redeemed themselves with the pro-aborts with this abortion joke 20 seconds in.  I found this one while searching for the first video:

The best commercial of the Olympics thus far has to be this one featuring incubator technology for preemies from GE:

GE used to own NBC/MSNBC, and their CEO Jeffery Immelt is a big Obama guy, serving on his fake jobs council, so I'm no big fan of the corporation.  Isn't it strange to see that the same aged babies they would let die at the hands of an abortionist are the same aged babies that they invest so much into saving?